Secretary, Organizing Committee, The XXVI Symposium
“Vibrations in Physical Systems”, Poznan-Bedlewo, 4-8 May 2014
Secretary, Organizing Committee, The 6th International Symposium
on Trends in Continuum Physics TRECOP’14, Poznan-Bedlewo, 4-7 May 2014
Member, Organizing Committee, The 2nd Congress of Polish Mechanics,
Poznan, 28-31 August 2011
Member, Organizing Committee, The 5th International Symposium
on Trends in Continuum Physics TRECOP’10, Malta, 16-20 July 2010
Member, Organizing Committee, The XXIV Symposium
“Vibrations in Physical Systems”, Poznan-Bedlewo, 11-15 May 2010
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